1. What do we call the movement in literature and the arts that emphasized nature and emotion over reason?

[x] a. Enlightenment

b. Reformation

c. Romanticism

d. Neoclassicism

2. Who said it is the government’s job to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property?
a. Rousseau

[x] b. Locke

c. Montesquieu

d. Condorcet

3. Which of the following was the first to place definite limits on the power of the English monarch?
a. English Bill of Rights

b. Parliament Acts

[x] c. Magna Carta

d. English common law

4. Which of the following stated that the king needed to get Parliament’s permission to set aside laws or tax people?
[x] a. Parliament Acts

b. English common law

c. English Bill of Rights

d. Magna Carta

5. Who believed that the power of government should be divided among three branches: an executive branch, a judicial branch, and a legislative branch?
a. Voltaire

[x] b. Montesquieu

c. Rousseau

d. Condorcet

6. How are the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen similar?
[x] a. established a republican form of government

b. protected the natural rights of the people

c. supported equal rights for women

d. limited voting rights to only landowners

7. What Renaissance belief helped prepare the modern world for democracy?
a. Individuals should focus on a better future life instead of the trials and tribulations of this world.

b. People should do good works and focus on the afterlife.

[x] c. Citizens should rely on their leaders to mold society and government.

d. Individuals should help society by developing their potential and creativity.

8. The late eighteenth century saw a shift from making goods by hand to producing goods with power-driven machinery. What is this change called?
a. Scientific Revolution

b. Mercantilism

c. Middle Passage

[x] d. Industrial Revolution

9. Why did the Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s begin in England?
a. England had a large supply of skilled, technical workers.

b. England had the best educational system in the world and huge supplies of cotton.

[x] c. England had inventors of new machinery, and abundant water, iron, and coal.

d. England had abundant steel, electricity, and iron.

10. Which document outlines a plan for government that has served as a model for new governments around the world?
a. Declaration of Independence

b. U.S. Constitution

c. English Bill of Rights

[x] d. Magna Carta

11. Which of the following statements about the American Revolution is true?
a. It sparked a civil war among the newly formed states.

b. It inspired the people of France and people of other nations to start their own democratic revolutions.

[x] c. Its ideals were popular in the eighteenth century but have little meaning in the modern world.

d. Few people around the world responded to its ideals.

12. Which of the following sparked the French Revolution?
a. the Glorious Revolution in England and the English Bill of Rights

[x] b. the Revolution that overthrew the tsars in Russia

c. Enlightenment ideas about natural rights and government

d. the great cultural achievements of the Renaissance

13. The idea that governments exist to protect the rights of the people is best reflected in which of the following documents?
a. lato's Republic and the Magna Carta

[x] b. Magna Carta and Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

c. Declaration of Independence and Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

d. Declaration of Independence and Aristotle's Politics

14. Which of the following was not contributed by the Romans?
[x] a. representative democracy

b. the first democratic government

c. division of power among branches

d. written laws that applied to all citizens

15. Which of the following was not a cause of the American Revolution?
a. British taxes on colonists

b. inspiration of Enlightenment philosophers

c. desire for westward expansion

[x] d. strict restrictions on religious freedom

16. Which document best reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment?
a. U.S. Constitution

b. Magna Carta

[x] c. Declaration of Independence

d. The Wealth of Nations

17. Which of the following did not lead to the development of the Industrial Revolution in England?
a. James Watt’s steam engine

b. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations

[x] c. John McAdams's better roads

d. Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb

Okay thank you!

Can someone please hurry and help me? I don't really understand this lesson. & I am taking a test on it.

i thought 1 was Romanticism?

No it is not

Read these while I look over the rest.

For #1:

I will not hurry, though. These are not easy concepts.

Rethink #6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Okay thanks!