One morning, 8/9 of the customers at the diner ordered coffee. Regular coffee was ordered three times as much as flavored coffee. What fractional part of the customers orderd flavored coffee?

I did it this way 8/9x3/1= 24/9=8/3
It is wrong so please show me how to do this problem

First I would choose a number divisible by 9 to use as an example.

I chose 81.
If 8/9 of the customers ordered coffee, that's 8/9*81 = 72 customers.
If reg coffee was ordered three times as much as flavored, then you want to set it up like this:
3x + x = 72
4x = 72
x = 18
So 18 people ordered flavored coffee. 3(18)=54, so 54 people ordered regular coffee. If the total was 81 customers, then 18/81 ordered flavored coffee which reduces to 2/9.

First I would choose a number divisible by 9 to use as an example.

I chose 81.
If 8/9 of the customers ordered coffee, that's 8/9*81 = 72 customers.
If reg coffee was ordered three times as much as flavored, then you want to set it up like this:
3x + x = 72
4x = 72
x = 18
So 18 people ordered flavored coffee. 3(18)=54, so 54 people ordered regular coffee. If the total was 81 customers, then 18/81 ordered flavored coffee which reduces to 2/9.


To determine the fractional part of the customers who ordered flavored coffee, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start by knowing that 8/9 of the customers ordered coffee.
2. Let's represent the total number of customers as 9. This means that 8/9 of the customers ordered coffee, which is 8/9 * 9 = 8.
3. Next, you're given that regular coffee was ordered three times as much as flavored coffee. Let's say the number of regular coffee orders is represented by R.
4. Since regular coffee was ordered three times as much, the number of flavored coffee orders, represented as F, can be calculated as F = R/3.
5. Now, you need to find the fractional part of the customers who ordered flavored coffee. This is given by F/9 (number of customers who ordered flavored coffee divided by the total number of customers).
6. Substituting the value of F from step 4, the fraction becomes (R/3)/9 = R/3 * 1/9 = R/27.

Therefore, the fractional part of the customers who ordered flavored coffee is R/27, where R represents the number of regular coffee orders.