complete the table

a, 355km/s ------cm/s -----m/m
b,1228g/L ------g/mL ------kg/ML
C,554MK/S ------K/S -------UK/MS
D,2.554MG/Ml ------J -------mJ

go to google and type these in to find the conversions.

To complete the table, we need to convert the given units to the desired units. Let's break it down one by one:

a) Converting km/s to cm/s and then to m/min:

1 km = 100,000 cm
1 min = 60 s

To convert km/s to cm/s, we can multiply by 100,000:
355 km/s * 100,000 cm/km = 35,500,000 cm/s

To convert cm/s to m/min, we need to divide by 100 (since there are 100 cm in a meter) and then multiply by 60 (to convert from seconds to minutes):
35,500,000 cm/s * (1 m/100 cm) * (60 s/1 min) = 213,000,000 m/min

So, the missing values would be:
a) 355 km/s = 35,500,000 cm/s = 213,000,000 m/min

b) Converting g/L to g/mL and then to kg/mL:

1 L = 1000 mL

To convert g/L to g/mL, we can divide by 1000:
1228 g/L / 1000 = 1.228 g/mL

To convert g/mL to kg/mL, we need to divide by 1000:
1.228 g/mL / 1000 = 0.001228 kg/mL

So, the missing values would be:
b) 1228 g/L = 1.228 g/mL = 0.001228 kg/mL

c) Converting MK/s to K/s and then to UK/MS:

1 MK = 1,000,000 K
1 s = 1000 ms (milliseconds)

To convert MK/s to K/s, we can divide by 1,000,000:
554 MK/s / 1,000,000 = 0.554 K/s

To convert K/s to UK/MS, we need to multiply by 1000:
0.554 K/s * 1000 = 554 UK/MS

So, the missing values would be:
c) 554 MK/s = 0.554 K/s = 554 UK/MS

d) Converting MG/ML to J and then to mJ:

1 MG = 1,000,000,000 g
1 mL = 0.001 L

To convert MG/ML to J, we first need to convert to g/mL by dividing by 1,000,000,000 (to convert MG to g) and multiplying by 0.001 (to convert mL to L):
2.554 MG/ML / 1,000,000,000 * 0.001 = 0.000002554 g/mL

To convert g/mL to J, we need to multiply by 0.0001 (to convert g to kg) and then multiply by 1000 (to convert L to mL):
0.000002554 g/mL * 0.0001 kg/g * 1000 mL/L = 0.0000002554 J

To convert J to mJ, we need to multiply by 1000:
0.0000002554 J * 1000 = 0.0002554 mJ

So, the missing values would be:
d) 2.554 MG/ML = 0.000002554 g/mL = 0.0000002554 J = 0.0002554 mJ

Completing the table:

a) 355 km/s = 35,500,000 cm/s = 213,000,000 m/min
b) 1228 g/L = 1.228 g/mL = 0.001228 kg/mL
c) 554 MK/s = 0.554 K/s = 554 UK/MS
d) 2.554 MG/ML = 0.000002554 g/mL = 0.0000002554 J = 0.0002554 mJ