Can you help me write these numbers in spanish?






But you haven't tried! Any good textbook should have numbers in the Appendix.

veinte millones treinta mil

catorce mil quinientos cincuenta y nueve

sesenta y siete millones, novecientos mil ocho

doscientos millones, setecientos mil ciento

un millón cuatrocientos treinta y dos mil seiscientos veintiséis


- = menos

Sure! I can help you write those numbers in Spanish. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the number "20,000" in Spanish, which is "veinte mil."
2. Add the negative sign, which is "menos."
3. Add the remaining three zeros, which are "cero, cero, cero."
Therefore, -20,030,000 in Spanish is "menos veinte millones treinta mil."

1. Start with the number "14,000" in Spanish, which is "catorce mil."
2. Add the negative sign, which is "menos."
3. Add the remaining 559, which is "quinientos cincuenta y nueve."
Therefore, -14,559 in Spanish is "menos catorce mil quinientos cincuenta y nueve."

1. Start with the number "67,000,000" in Spanish, which is "sesenta y siete millones."
2. Add the negative sign, which is "menos."
3. Add the remaining 900,008, which is "novecientos mil ocho."
Therefore, -67,900,008 in Spanish is "menos sesenta y siete millones novecientos mil ocho."

1. Start with the number "200,000,000" in Spanish, which is "doscientos millones."
2. Add the negative sign, which is "menos."
3. Add the remaining 700,100, which is "setecientos mil cien."
Therefore, -200,700,100 in Spanish is "menos doscientos millones setecientos mil cien."

1. Start with the number "1,000,000" in Spanish, which is "un millón."
2. Add the remaining 432,626, which is "cuatrocientos treinta y dos mil seiscientos veintiséis."
Therefore, 1,432,626 in Spanish is "un millón cuatrocientos treinta y dos mil seiscientos veintiséis."

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.