Let P(x) be the number of people of height < x inches in the US. What is the meaning of P’(66)?

To find the meaning of P'(66), we first need to understand what P(x) represents. According to the given information, P(x) represents the number of people in the US who have a height less than x inches.

Now, P'(x) represents the rate at which the number of people with height less than x inches is changing with respect to x. Therefore, P'(66) would represent the rate of change of the number of people with height less than 66 inches.

To find the meaning of P'(66), we need to evaluate P'(x) at x = 66. This can be done by finding the derivative of P(x) with respect to x and then substituting x = 66 into the resulting derivative function.

However, since we don't have the specific function P(x) in this case, we cannot determine the exact meaning of P'(66). We would need additional information or the actual equation for P(x) to calculate P'(66) and interpret its meaning.