What did Millikan discover about the electron?

Robert Millikan discovered the fundamental properties of the electron, specifically its electric charge. He conducted the famous oil-drop experiment in 1909, which allowed him to calculate the charge of a single electron. In this experiment, he observed the motion of tiny oil drops suspended in a chamber between two charged plates.

To find out more about Millikan's discovery, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "Millikan oil-drop experiment" or "Millikan electron charge" in a reputable search engine like Google.
2. Look for reliable sources such as scientific journals, research papers, or educational websites from universities or museums.
3. Choose a source that provides detailed information about Millikan's experiment and its significance in determining the charge of an electron.
4. Read through the article or page, paying attention to the experimental setup, observations, and calculations carried out by Millikan.
5. Take note of the key findings, including the charge value of the electron determined by Millikan.
6. For a more comprehensive understanding, you can also explore related topics such as the history of atomic theory or the structure of the atom.

Remember, when researching scientific topics, it's important to rely on credible sources to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information you obtain.

I Googled Millikan electron and found this.
