When you are doing a bibliography and your book shows 15 different cities it was published can you list just the 1st city....can't find the answer. Thanks

Yes, just the first city.


YW !!

When creating a bibliography, it is generally recommended to include all the relevant information about the publication, including the city where the book was published. However, if you are facing a situation where a book lists multiple cities of publication and you need to determine which city to include in your bibliography, there are a few steps you can take to find the answer:

1. Check the title page: The first step is to look at the title page of the book. This page typically includes important publishing information, such as the name of the publisher, copyright date, and sometimes the city of publication. If the city is listed on the title page, you can confidently use that city for your citation.

2. Look for a colophon: Some books may have a colophon, which is a small section usually found at the end of the book or on the copyright page. The colophon can provide additional details about the publication, including the city of publication.

3. Examine the copyright page: If the previous steps did not yield results, you can turn to the copyright page. The copyright page is usually located on the reverse side of the title page. It often contains details about the publisher, including the main publishing location.

4. Consider online resources: If you still cannot determine the correct city of publication, you can utilize online resources. Websites like WorldCat or Library of Congress may provide comprehensive information about the publication, including the primary city of publication.

5. Prioritize the first city: If you have exhausted all other options and still cannot determine the definitive city of publication, you can prioritize and include the first city listed in the book. However, it is important to note that this may not be the most accurate or preferred approach, as bibliographies are typically intended to provide precise information.

Remember, it's always best to provide as much accurate information as possible in your bibliography. If you are still uncertain about the correct city of publication, consulting with a librarian or your instructor can be helpful in ensuring the accuracy of your citation.