can anyone help! I have no clue how to do this..

PART 1: Use complete sentences to describe a real-world scenario that could be represented by the inequality 5x + 2y 45.

PART 2: Choose one ordered pair that is a solution to the given inequality and explain what that ordered pair means in the context of your real-world scenario.

Should there be a sign between 2y and 45?

Sorry, It's supposed to be a 'greater than or equal to' sign

Part 1.

Vee wants to serve cake to 45 people. He has 5 cakes that serve x people and 2 cakes that serve y people. Does he have enough cake?

what about part 2 ?

This is straight off your Algebra test for Florida Virtual school. You really should ask your teacher if you do not know how to do the work.

I agree with Amy.

PART 1: To come up with a real-world scenario that can be represented by the inequality 5x + 2y > 45, let's break down the inequality.

The inequality 5x + 2y > 45 represents a situation where there are two variables, x and y. The coefficients of x and y, which are 5 and 2 respectively, indicate their relative importance or contribution to the scenario. The inequality sign ">" means that the left side of the equation (5x + 2y) is greater than the right side (45).

In this scenario, both x and y represent quantities that can be measured and summed up to determine if they exceed a certain threshold (45 in this case). It could be a real-world situation where x and y represent quantities such as time, cost, or measurements of a product or service, for example.

PART 2: To find an ordered pair that satisfies the given inequality, we can choose values for x and y that make the left side of the inequality greater than 45. Let's say x = 8 and y = 10.

Plugging these values into the inequality, we get: 5(8) + 2(10) = 40 + 20 = 60.

Since 60 is greater than 45, the ordered pair (8, 10) is a solution to the inequality 5x + 2y > 45.

In the context of the real-world scenario, the ordered pair (8, 10) could represent a situation where x represents the number of hours spent working and y represents the number of hours spent studying. If a person worked for 8 hours and studied for 10 hours, the combined total of 5 times the number of hours worked plus 2 times the number of hours studied would be 60. In this scenario, exceeding 45 could indicate that the person has put in more than the desired effort, or they might have fulfilled certain requirements for a job or academic program.