can anyone help! I have no clue how to do this..

PART 1: Use complete sentences to describe a real-world scenario that could be represented by the inequality 5x + 2y 45.

PART 2: Choose one ordered pair that is a solution to the given inequality and explain what that ordered pair means in the context of your real-world scenario.

Sure, I can help you! Let's start with Part 1:

To come up with a real-world scenario that could be represented by the inequality 5x + 2y ≤ 45, we first need to understand what this inequality means. In this case, the inequality represents a situation where there are limited resources or constraints on two variables, x and y. The left side of the inequality, 5x + 2y, represents the total amount of resources used, and the right side, 45, represents the maximum allowable amount of resources.

Now, let's think of a scenario that fits this inequality. Imagine you are organizing a school bake sale. You have 5 different types of cookies (represented by x), and 2 different types of cakes (represented by y). To ensure a successful bake sale, you have a constraint on the total number of items you can bake due to budget or time limitations, which is given by the inequality 5x + 2y ≤ 45.

Now, let's move on to Part 2:

To choose one ordered pair that is a solution to the given inequality, we need to find a combination of cookies (x) and cakes (y) that satisfies the inequality 5x + 2y ≤ 45. Let's say we choose x = 6 and y = 8.

Now, to explain what this ordered pair means in the context of our real-world scenario, it means that you baked 6 different types of cookies and 8 different types of cakes. With these quantities, you have used a total of (5 * 6) + (2 * 8) = 30 + 16 = 46 resources. However, since this total exceeds the maximum allowed resources of 45, this specific ordered pair (x = 6, y = 8) does not satisfy the inequality.

To find a different ordered pair that does satisfy the inequality, you would need to choose smaller values for x and/or y. Once you find an ordered pair that satisfies the inequality, you can explain what that ordered pair means in terms of the resources used in your bake sale scenario.