what part of america do you think explores would reach first?

Brazil or Newfoundland

The first explorers came from Asia to the west coast of North America over 10,000 years ago.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs, but I can explain a logical approach to predicting where an explorer would reach first in America.

The part of America an explorer would reach first would depend on various factors, such as the explorer's starting point, means of transportation, and intended destination. However, historically, European explorers reached the eastern coast of North America first because they typically departed from Europe and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.

Explorers like Christopher Columbus, who sailed from Spain in 1492, reached the Bahamas in the Caribbean, which was part of the eastern coast of North America. Subsequently, other European explorers, such as John Cabot and Jacques Cartier, explored and mapped areas along the eastern coast, including present-day Canada and the United States.

It's also worth noting that before European explorers, indigenous people inhabited various parts of America and had already explored and settled in different regions. However, your question seems to refer to the arrival of European explorers in America.