Which of these was NOT a major contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution?

Greek philosophers
Enlightenment thinkers
Medieval Islamic scientists
Roman and Byzantine scholars

The answer is enlightment thinkers because i putted it in and it was right lol.

I agree.


What do you think?

To determine which of these options was NOT a major contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution, let's review each option and its significance:

A) Greek philosophers: Ancient Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle and Plato, made important contributions to the development of logical reasoning and philosophical ideas. However, their influence was more prominent in Ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period rather than during the Scientific Revolution. Therefore, Greek philosophers can be considered as a contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution.

B) Enlightenment thinkers: The Enlightenment was a period in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason, rationality, and scientific inquiry. Enlightenment thinkers like Isaac Newton, John Locke, and René Descartes played crucial roles in shaping the scientific and intellectual landscape of the time. They championed ideas such as the scientific method and the importance of empirical evidence. Therefore, Enlightenment thinkers can be considered as a major contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution.

C) Medieval Islamic scientists: During the Islamic Golden Age, which spanned from the 8th to the 14th centuries, Islamic scientists made significant advancements in various fields, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. Their works were later translated into Latin and influenced European scholars during the Scientific Revolution. Therefore, Medieval Islamic scientists can be considered as a major contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution.

D) Roman and Byzantine scholars: While the Roman and Byzantine scholars preserved and transmitted the knowledge of the ancient Greeks, their direct influence on the Scientific Revolution was relatively limited. The Renaissance, which preceded the Scientific Revolution, saw a renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman knowledge. However, the actual scientific advancements that occurred during the Scientific Revolution were more rooted in new observations, experiments, and novel approaches to studying natural phenomena. Therefore, Roman and Byzantine scholars can be considered as a less significant contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution compared to the other options.

So, the option that was NOT a major contributing factor to the Scientific Revolution is D) Roman and Byzantine scholars.