hich of these asserted that the United States had the right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring American countries, to counter threats posed to its security and interests?

The Fourteen Points
The Truman Doctrine
The Roosevelt Corollary
The Good neighbor Policy

The Roosevelt Corollary is closest to the "right" answer, but frankly, it is a stretch.


The Fourteen Points was President Wilson's proposal for peace following World War I.

Check these articles to find your answer.




The Truman Doctrine

The correct answer is C) The Roosevelt Corollary.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the context and policies of the United States during the early 20th century. The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, which was a United States foreign policy introduced in 1823. The Monroe Doctrine stated that European powers should not interfere or colonize the newly independent countries in the Americas.

The Roosevelt Corollary, introduced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, built upon the Monroe Doctrine. It asserted the United States' right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring American countries to counter threats posed to its security and interests. This policy demonstrated a more assertive approach by the United States in asserting its dominance in the Western Hemisphere.

Now, let's look at the other answer choices to understand why they are incorrect:

A) The Fourteen Points: The Fourteen Points was a speech given by President Woodrow Wilson in 1918, outlining his vision for the post-World War I world. It focused on principles such as self-determination, an end to secret treaties, and the establishment of a League of Nations. However, it did not advocate for the United States' right to intervene in neighboring American countries.

B) The Truman Doctrine: The Truman Doctrine was announced by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 and aimed at containing the spread of communism. It declared that the United States would provide political, military, and economic assistance to countries facing the threat of communism. While it demonstrated a more interventionist approach, it primarily focused on countering the Soviet Union's influence and did not specifically relate to neighboring American countries.

D) The Good Neighbor Policy: The Good Neighbor Policy was introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. It aimed to improve relations between the United States and Latin American countries by promoting non-intervention and respect for sovereignty. It marked a departure from earlier interventionist policies but did not assert the right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring American countries.

So, the correct answer is C) The Roosevelt Corollary because it specifically asserted the United States' right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring American countries to counter threats to its security and interests.