A satellite in a nearly circular orbit is 2000 km above Earth's surface. The radius of Earth is approximately 6400 km. If the satellite completes its orbit in 12 hours, calculate the speed of the satellite in kilometers per hour.(pay attention to the radius of the satellite's path it is not 2000km)

To calculate the speed of the satellite, we need to find its circumference and divide it by the time it takes to complete one orbit.

First, let's find the radius of the satellite's path. This can be determined by adding the altitude of the satellite to the radius of the Earth:

Radius of the satellite's path = radius of Earth + altitude of the satellite
= 6400 km + 2000 km
= 8400 km

Next, let's calculate the circumference of the satellite's path using the formula:

Circumference = 2π × radius of the satellite's path

Circumference = 2 × 3.14159 × 8400 km
≈ 52,920 km

Now, we can calculate the speed of the satellite by dividing the circumference by the time it takes to complete one orbit:

Speed of the satellite = Circumference / Time to complete one orbit
= 52,920 km / 12 hours
≈ 4,410 km/hour

Therefore, the speed of the satellite is approximately 4,410 kilometers per hour.

To calculate the speed of the satellite in kilometers per hour, we need to determine the circumference of the satellite's orbit.

The radius of the satellite's orbit can be found by adding the altitude of the satellite to the radius of the Earth:

Radius of satellite's orbit = radius of Earth + altitude of satellite
= 6400 km + 2000 km
= 8400 km

The circumference of the satellite's orbit can be calculated using the formula:

Circumference = 2π × radius

Circumference = 2 × 3.14 × 8400 km
= 52752 km

Since the satellite completes its orbit in 12 hours, the speed of the satellite can be found by dividing the circumference of the orbit by the time taken:

Speed = Circumference / Time
= 52752 km / 12 hours
= 4396 km/hr

Therefore, the speed of the satellite in kilometers per hour is 4396 km/hr.

C = 6.28r = 6.28 * 6400 = 40192km = Circumference = total dittance traveled.

V = d / t = 40192km / 12h = 3349.3km/h.