How do you find the length of one side of a trapeziod using the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula?

To find the length of one side of a trapezoid using the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula, you need to know the coordinates of the endpoints of that side and the coordinates of a point that lies on the line containing that side. The formula you would use is called the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula, derived from the Pythagorean theorem.

Here are the steps to calculate the length of one side of a trapezoid using the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula:

1. Identify the side whose length you want to find and determine the coordinates of its two endpoints. Let's say the first point has coordinates (x₁, y₁) and the second point has coordinates (x₂, y₂).

2. Select a point that lies on the line containing the side you want to measure. Let's call this point (x, y).

3. Calculate the distance between the point (x, y) and the line passing through points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) using the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula:

Distance = |(x₂ - x₁)(y₁ - y) - (x₁ - x)(y₂ - y₁)| / √((x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²)

Note: |x| represents the absolute value of x.

4. The calculated distance is the length of the side of the trapezoid that you wanted to find.

Keep in mind that using the 'point-to-a-line distance' formula requires knowledge of the coordinates of the endpoints of the side and a point on the line.