On a works cited page for a book with 7 different authors.... do you use and between the 6th and 7th author....or just list? Thanks

MLA or APA or what?

Also, please clarify: "do you use and between the 6th..."

In MLA format I used the authors last name, first for all authors, but before I list the last author do I put and Smith, Steve?

from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ --

Read carefully the second paragraph and example after Book with More Than One Author:

Thanks for your help.

You're welcome.

When creating a works cited page for a book with multiple authors, there are specific formatting rules to follow. According to the guidelines set by the Modern Language Association (MLA), you would use an ellipsis (...) after the name of the sixth author, followed by the name of the seventh author. Here's the general format:

Last Name, First Name, et al. (if there are more than seven authors).

For example, if the book has seven authors, you would list the names as follows:

Last Name, First Name, First Name Last Name, First Name Last Name, et al.

The use of "et al." (meaning "and others" in Latin) indicates that there are additional authors beyond the seventh one but allows for brevity in citation.