Ryans mother has a fenced rectangle garden that measures 15 meters x 10 meters.one of the 10 meters sides isalong the house and doesnt have a fence.How many meters of fence border the garden ?

Perimeter p, w = width, L = length

P = 2w + 2L

In this case.
P = w + 2L
w = 10, L = 15
P = 10 + 2(15)
P = ?


To find out how many meters of fence border the garden, we need to calculate the total length of all the sides that have a fence.

First, let's identify which sides have a fence. We know that one of the 10-meter sides is along the house and doesn't have a fence. So we have three sides that need to be fenced - the remaining 10-meter side, and the two 15-meter sides.

The 10-meter side that needs to be fenced is perpendicular to the house. Hence, there is only one 10-meter side left that needs fencing.

The two remaining sides are both 15 meters in length and also need to be fenced. Since there are two of them, we need to multiply their length by 2.

Calculating the total length of the sides that need to be fenced:
10 meters + (2 * 15 meters) = 10 meters + 30 meters = 40 meters

Therefore, the garden requires a total of 40 meters of fence.