A mass is vibrating at the end of a spring of force constant 225 N/m. On a position x vs time graph, how do you determine:

How much energy did this system originally contain?

The maximum stored energy is

E = (1/2)k(Amplitude)^2
The Amplitude is the maximum displacement from the average position during vibration. They told you what the spring or "Force" constant k is.

Well, the energy of the system can be determined by using a formula: E = 1/2 kx^2, where E is the energy, k is the force constant, and x is the displacement of the mass. So, to determine the originally contained energy, you'll need to know the maximum displacement (amplitude) of the mass. But remember, the answer might be a bit springy, so don't let it bounce back at you!

To determine the amount of energy that the system originally contained, you can analyze the potential and kinetic energy of the vibrating mass.

1. Find the amplitude (A) of the vibration:
The amplitude is the maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. It can be obtained by measuring the distance from the equilibrium position to the extreme point of the displacement.

2. Calculate the potential energy (PE) of the system:
The potential energy is given by the equation PE = (1/2) kx², where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. Since the mass is at the extreme point of its displacement, x is equal to the amplitude (A). Therefore, PE = (1/2) kA².

3. Calculate the kinetic energy (KE) of the system:
At the extreme points of the vibration, the velocity of the mass is zero. Therefore, at these points, the mass has only potential energy. Thus, the initial kinetic energy of the system is zero.

4. Determine the total energy (E) of the system:
The total energy of the system is the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy. So, E = PE + KE. In this case, the initial total energy is equal to the potential energy because the kinetic energy is zero.

Therefore, the energy that the system originally contained is (1/2) kA², where k is the spring constant and A is the amplitude of the vibration.

To determine the amount of energy the system originally contained, you need to consider the maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position.

The energy of a vibrating mass-spring system can be expressed as the sum of two types of energy: potential energy (due to the spring) and kinetic energy (due to the motion of the mass).

1. Potential Energy: The potential energy of a mass-spring system is given by the formula: PE = (1/2)kx^2, where k is the force constant of the spring and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. In this case, the force constant is given as 225 N/m.

2. Kinetic Energy: The kinetic energy of a mass in motion can be calculated using the formula: KE = (1/2)mv^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. Since the graph provided is only position vs. time, we will need to determine the velocity using the position-time data.

To determine the velocity at any given point on the graph, you can calculate the slope of the position-time graph at that point. The slope gives you the rate of change of position, which is equal to the velocity.

Once you have the velocity, you can calculate the kinetic energy using the given mass of the vibrating object.

To find the total energy initially contained in the system, add the potential energy and the kinetic energy together.

Note: It's important to keep in mind that the calculation of energy will depend on the specific position and velocity values provided in the position-time graph.