A pizza has a diameter of 12 . What is its circumference?

Use the value for 3.14 , for pie

3.14 = pi

C = pi * d
C = 3.14 * 12
C = ?

To find the circumference of a pizza with a diameter of 12 inches, you can use the formula:

Circumference = π × diameter

Given that the value of π is 3.14 and the diameter is 12 inches:

Circumference = 3.14 × 12 = 37.68 inches

So, the circumference of the pizza is approximately 37.68 inches.

To find the circumference of a circle, you need to use the formula C = πd, where C represents the circumference and d represents the diameter. In this case, the diameter of the pizza is given as 12.

Now, you mentioned using the value 3.14 for π, which is commonly used as an approximation for the mathematical constant pi. So, let's substitute the values into the formula:

C = 3.14 * 12
C = 37.68

Therefore, the circumference of the pizza is approximately 37.68 units, assuming π is equal to 3.14.

pi D = 3.14 * 12 = 37.68