The velocity of light is 1.86 × 108 mi/hr. The distance of Mercury from the Sun is approximately 5.78 × 107 km. How many minutes will it take for light from the Sun to travel to Mercury?

To calculate the time it will take for light to travel from the Sun to Mercury, we need to convert the given velocity of light from miles per hour to kilometers per minute and then divide the distance between the Sun and Mercury by this velocity.

Step 1: Convert the velocity of light from mi/hr to km/min:
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers
1 hour = 60 minutes

So, the conversion factor is: (1.86 × 10^8 mi/hr) × (1.609344 km/mi) / (60 min/hr) = 4.001024 km/min

Step 2: Divide the distance between the Sun and Mercury by the velocity of light:
5.78 × 10^7 km / 4.001024 km/min ≈ 1.444 x 10^7 min

Therefore, it will take approximately 1.444 x 10^7 minutes for light from the Sun to travel to Mercury.

To find out how many minutes it will take for light to travel from the Sun to Mercury, we first need to convert the given velocity of light from miles per hour to kilometers per minute.

Here's how you can do the conversion:

Step 1: Convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour.
1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers
So, multiply the velocity of light in miles per hour by 1.60934 to get the velocity in kilometers per hour.

1.86 × 10^8 mi/hr * 1.60934 = 2.9930396 × 10^8 km/hr

Step 2: Convert kilometers per hour to kilometers per minute.
There are 60 minutes in an hour, so divide the velocity of light in kilometers per hour by 60 to get the velocity in kilometers per minute.

2.9930396 × 10^8 km/hr / 60 = 4.9883993 × 10^6 km/min

Now we have the velocity of light in kilometers per minute: 4.9883993 × 10^6 km/min.

Next, we can calculate the time it will take for light to travel from the Sun to Mercury by dividing the distance from the Sun to Mercury by the velocity of light.

5.78 × 10^7 km / (4.9883993 × 10^6 km/min) ≈ 11.6 minutes

Therefore, it will take approximately 11.6 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to Mercury.