Please explain how to break down a sentence. Simple predicate/Simple Subjects.

My mom hasn't done this for a long time and is clueless!

Thanks for the help.

These sites have great explanations.

To break down a sentence and identify the simple predicate and simple subject, you'll need to understand some basic grammatical concepts.

The subject of a sentence is the person, thing, or idea that is doing or being something in the sentence. The predicate, on the other hand, is the part of the sentence that tells us something about the subject or what the subject is doing.

Let's analyze the sentence "My mom hasn't done this for a long time and is clueless." to identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, the subject is "My mom." It is the person who the sentence is about, the one who is doing or being something.

2. Identify the predicate: In this sentence, the predicate consists of two parts: "hasn't done this for a long time" and "is clueless." Both parts together tell us something about the subject.

Now, let's break down the predicate into its parts:

- "hasn't done this for a long time": This part of the predicate indicates an action or something that the subject hasn't done. The simple predicate in this part is "hasn't done," which is a verb phrase indicating the action of not doing something.

- "is clueless": This part of the predicate describes the state or condition of the subject. The simple predicate in this part is "is," which is a linking verb connecting the subject to the state of being clueless.

So, to summarize:
- Simple subject: My mom.
- Simple predicate: hasn't done this for a long time and is clueless.

Remember, additional modifiers or phrases might make the analysis more complex, but this breakdown should give you a starting point to identify the simple subject and simple predicate in a sentence.