How can you display Harriet Tubman character traits in school, at home, and at play?

What were Harriet Tubman's traits?

I am looking at the poem, "Harriet Tubman Didn't Take No Stuff"

she was brave, inspirational,confident,intelligent and determined.

To display Harriet Tubman's character traits in various settings, such as school, home, and play, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and understand Harriet Tubman's character traits: Begin by learning about Harriet Tubman's life, accomplishments, and notable personality traits. Some common character traits associated with her are courage, determination, resilience, leadership, selflessness, and empathy.

2. School: In a school setting, there are several ways to display Harriet Tubman's character traits. Here are a few suggestions:
- Present a project or give a presentation on Harriet Tubman, highlighting her character traits and their significance.
- Engage in classroom discussions about Harriet Tubman, her values, and how her character traits can inspire others.
- Organize or participate in extracurricular activities that promote leadership, empathy, and standing up against injustice.

3. Home: Within your home environment, you can display Harriet Tubman's character traits through your actions and discussions. Consider the following approaches:
- Share stories about Harriet Tubman during family conversations, focusing on her character traits and their impact on history.
- Model courage and determination in your own pursuits, demonstrating that these traits can be applied in daily life.
- Engage in acts of kindness and empathy towards others, reflecting Harriet Tubman's selflessness and compassion.

4. Play: Even during playtime, you can incorporate Harriet Tubman's character traits. Here's how:
- Encourage play activities that involve teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, mirroring her leadership and resilience.
- Participate in imaginative play scenarios that highlight bravery and standing up against injustice.
- Read books or watch movies that depict historical events or inspiring individuals, including Harriet Tubman.

Remember, displaying someone's character traits is about embodying them in your actions and interactions. By learning about and applying Harriet Tubman's traits, you can honor her legacy and inspire others to do the same.