
(2b^-4 c^6)^5

I get
Is that right?

Write your answer using only positive exponents.

(2b^-4 c^6)^5 = 32c^(30)/(b^(20))

To simplify the expression (2b^(-4)c^6)^5, you need to apply the power rule, which states that when you raise a power to another power, you multiply the exponents.

Let's break down the expression step by step:


First, let's simplify the base:

2^5 = 32

Now let's simplify the exponents:

b^(-4)^5 = b^(-4*5) = b^(-20)

c^6^5 = c^(6*5) = c^30

Finally, put the simplified base and exponents together:


To write the answer using only positive exponents, we can use the rule that a negative exponent is equivalent to its reciprocal with a positive exponent. For example, b^(-20) is equal to 1/b^20.

So, the answer in positive exponent form is:
