1. The first step to planning a child care center is to

A. develop your program philosophy.
B. determine the nature of the need for child care facilities in your community.
C. establish goals for the children, parents, staff, and community.
D. determine which method of teaching you'll use.

2. Which of the following best describes why you need to establish goals for your program?
A. Goals will let parents know the philosophy of your program.
B. Goals tell the community how much they can gain from your program.
C. Goals are essential for the children to follow so they may be successful in your program.
D. Goals are set to help you understand what it is that you want to accomplish.

3. Philosophy in a child care program is
A. the basis for developing your basic curriculum or program plans.
B. understanding normal child growth and development.
C. how you'll go about accomplishing your goal.
D. a list of policy considerations for parents to follow.

4. Of the following models of education, which one is more in use than all of the other models combined?
A. Developmental-interaction
B. Cognitive
C. Behavior learning
D. Eclectic or traditional

5. Which of the following is not included in an admission and enrollment policies handbook for parents?
A. Hours of operation
B. Orientation policy
C. Rights of the employer and the worker
D. Financial policy

6. Most states have licensing or registration requirements for child care centers and family day care homes. These usually include minimum standards for operation. Which one of the following would you most likely find required in a statement of state licensing standards for child care centers?
A. Philosophy of education
B. Staff pay and discipline procedures
C. Teacher-child ratios
D. Verification of business plan

7. You're writing a description of your eclectic model program for a brochure. Which one of the following sentences would you not use?
A. Classroom is filled with materials that are designed for a specific purpose to be used in a prescribed manner.
B. Child is an active learner.
C. Teacher establishes the environment for the children to interact with.
D. Program recognizes the stages of child development.

8. Which one of the following is an advantage of setting up a family day care home?
A. Your own child or children will have children to play with.
B. You can obtain a tax-exempt status.
C. You'll be eligible for federal aid.
D. You can enroll as many children as you wish.

9. You've decided to open a nonprofit child care center. What is one of the greatest advantages of this type of program?
A. You're more independent since tuition fees are the only source of income.
B. You aren't answerable to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).
C. Program can receive tax-deductible donations and contributions.
D. You don't have to become involved in politics.

10. Which one of the following is true of a limited partnership?
A. It allows the organizer to retain control rather than sharing it.
B. This association is based on equal status of partners.
C. Obligations and debts are equal for all partners.
D. Limited partners can remain secret.

11. When incorporating a business, which one of the following is not a major step to take?
A. Preparation of articles of incorporation
B. Filing your employee policies with the proper state agency
C. Preparation of bylaws
D. Holding an incorporator's meeting

12. Of the following kinds of insurance, which is required by law for a business with employees?
A. Workers' compensation
B. Theft
C. Accident
D. Fire

13. Some states' regulations prohibit family day care homes from using which one of the following rooms for child care?
A. Kitchen
B. Upstairs room
C. Living room
D. Family room

14. As described in this study unit, which of the following is the key in a quality child care center?
A. Location
B. Equipment and supplies
C. A sound budget
D. Staff

15. Of the forms used in a child care program, which of the following would not be required for the children?
A. Fingerprint form
B. Medical form
C. Emergency Identification form
D. Field trip permission form

16. All of the following are methods of bringing your business to the attention of prospective clients. Once your child care business is established, which one could you expect to be the most effective?
A. Newspaper ad
B. Yellow Pages ad
C. Brochure
D. Word of mouth

17. Of the steps listed below, which step comes after the other three?
A. Planning space
B. Obtaining insurance
C. Hiring staff
D. Developing goals and policies

18. Which one of the following survey methods probably yields the most accurate information?
A. Telephone questionnaire
B. Mail-in questionnaire
C. On-site questionnaire
D. Shopping center questionnaire

19. Which of the following is paid equally by employer and employee?
A. Workers' compensation
B. FICA tax
C. Unemployment insurance
D. Federal income tax

20. Of all the steps needed for setting up a child care facility, the step that must come first is
A. stating program goals.
B. developing a business plan.
C. assessing child care needs.
D. determining licensing requirements.



3 is c 4 is d 14 is d

1. The first step to planning a child care center is to determine the nature of the need for child care facilities in your community.

2. Goals are set to help you understand what it is that you want to accomplish.
3. Philosophy in a child care program is the basis for developing your basic curriculum or program plans.
4. Developmental-interaction is more in use than all of the other models combined.
5. Rights of the employer and the worker is not included in an admission and enrollment policies handbook for parents.
6. Teacher-child ratios would most likely be required in a statement of state licensing standards for child care centers.
7. Classroom is filled with materials that are designed for a specific purpose to be used in a prescribed manner is a sentence that would not be used when writing a description of an eclectic model program.
8. Your own child or children will have children to play with is an advantage of setting up a family day care home.
9. Program can receive tax-deductible donations and contributions is one of the greatest advantages of opening a nonprofit child care center.
10. Limited partners can remain secret is true of a limited partnership.
11. Filing your employee policies with the proper state agency is not a major step to take when incorporating a business.
12. Workers' compensation is required by law for a business with employees.
13. Upstairs room is prohibited for child care in some states' regulations for family day care homes.
14. Staff is the key in a quality child care center.
15. Fingerprint form would not be required for the children in a child care program.
16. Word of mouth could be the most effective method of bringing your child care business to the attention of prospective clients.
17. Hiring staff comes after planning space, obtaining insurance, and developing goals and policies.
18. On-site questionnaire probably yields the most accurate information.
19. FICA tax is paid equally by employer and employee.
20. Assessing child care needs must come first when setting up a child care facility.

1. The first step to planning a child care center is to determine the nature of the need for child care facilities in your community. This can be done by researching the demographics of your community, conducting surveys or interviews with parents or community members, and analyzing the existing child care options in your area.

2. The need to establish goals for your program is best described as D. Goals are set to help you understand what it is that you want to accomplish. By establishing goals, you can have a clear vision of what you want to achieve for the children, parents, staff, and community. This will help guide your decision-making and actions throughout the planning and operation of your child care center.

3. Philosophy in a child care program is A. the basis for developing your basic curriculum or program plans. Your philosophy encompasses your beliefs and values about child development, learning, and the overall purpose of your child care program. It serves as a guiding principle for designing the curriculum and program plans that will be implemented in your center.

4. Of the following models of education, the one that is more in use than all of the other models combined is D. Eclectic or traditional. The eclectic or traditional model of education combines various approaches and methods to meet the diverse needs of children. It draws from different theories and practices, incorporating elements from developmental-interaction, cognitive, and behavior learning models.

5. The item that is not included in an admission and enrollment policies handbook for parents is C. Rights of the employer and the worker. An admission and enrollment policies handbook typically includes information such as hours of operation, orientation policy, financial policy, and other guidelines related to admission and enrollment procedures. The rights of the employer and the worker are more relevant to an employee handbook.

6. In a statement of state licensing standards for child care centers, you would most likely find required C. Teacher-child ratios. Teacher-child ratios specify the maximum number of children that can be under the care of one teacher. They are established to ensure the safety and well-being of the children and to maintain a quality learning environment.

7. In a description of an eclectic model program for a brochure, the sentence that would not be used is A. Classroom is filled with materials that are designed for a specific purpose to be used in a prescribed manner. This sentence suggests a more structured and specific approach, which is not characteristic of an eclectic model that draws from various approaches and encourages flexibility and creativity in learning.

8. An advantage of setting up a family day care home is A. Your own child or children will have children to play with. This advantage stems from the fact that you are providing child care in your own home, which allows your child or children to interact and socialize with other children in a familiar environment.

9. One of the greatest advantages of opening a nonprofit child care center is C. Program can receive tax-deductible donations and contributions. Being a nonprofit organization allows your child care center to receive tax-deductible donations and contributions, which can greatly support and sustain your program financially.

10. The true statement about a limited partnership is B. This association is based on equal status of partners. In a limited partnership, there are two types of partners: general partners and limited partners. General partners have equal status and share control and management responsibilities, while limited partners have limited involvement and their liability is limited to their investment.

11. When incorporating a business, the step that is not a major step to take is B. Filing your employee policies with the proper state agency. While it is important to have and establish employee policies, filing them with a state agency is not a major step in the process of incorporating a business. It is more relevant to HR and employment regulations.

12. Workers' compensation is the kind of insurance that is required by law for a business with employees. Workers' compensation insurance provides coverage for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It is mandatory in many states to protect both the employer and employees in case of accidents or injuries that occur during employment.

13. Some states' regulations prohibit family day care homes from using B. Upstairs room for child care. This may be due to safety concerns, such as access to emergency exits or potential hazards for children on upper floors. It is important to refer to the specific regulations and guidelines of your state when setting up a family day care home.

14. In a quality child care center, the key factor is D. Staff. The staff of a child care center plays a crucial role in providing quality care and education to children. Their qualifications, training, experience, and commitment significantly impact the overall success and effectiveness of the child care center.

15. The form that would not be required for the children in a child care program is A. Fingerprint form. Fingerprint forms are typically used for background checks of individuals working or volunteering in child care settings. Children themselves would not be required to complete such a form.

16. Once a child care business is established, the method that could be expected to be the most effective for bringing your business to the attention of prospective clients is D. Word of mouth. Positive word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals from satisfied parents and community members are often the most powerful and effective way to promote and attract new clients to a child care business.

17. The step that comes after the other three steps is D. Developing goals and policies. After planning space, obtaining insurance, and hiring staff, the next logical step is to develop goals and policies that will guide the operation and management of the child care center.

18. Among the survey methods listed, the method that probably yields the most accurate information is C. On-site questionnaire. Conducting on-site questionnaires allows for direct interaction with participants, providing an opportunity to clarify questions, observe responses, and ensure accurate and reliable data collection.

19. The item that is paid equally by employer and employee is B. FICA tax. FICA tax, also known as Social Security and Medicare taxes, is a federal payroll tax that is paid by both employers and employees. It is calculated as a percentage of employees' wages and is used to fund social security and Medicare programs.

20. The step that must come first when setting up a child care facility is C. Assessing child care needs. Before stating program goals, developing a business plan, or determining licensing requirements, it is essential to assess the specific child care needs of your target population and community. Understanding the demand, preferences, and availability of child care services will inform and shape the other steps in the planning process.