I need help figuring out this on a food web. It goes from a flower to a butterfly to a frog to the bird to a coyote. Now I have to label them. I got them all however i do not know what the frog and bird is. HELP!! :-)

1. I know what a Food Chain is.

2. I do NOT know what a Food Web is.
3. Perhaps if you had supplied the answer for the first (from a flower to a butterfly), I could have figured it out.
4. as for "frog and bird" neither eats the other (Food Chain) and now I'm stuck!


does an object move easier over a smooth or rough surface

Thanks for your "help"

To mauricio=

Smooth! ;-)

Sure, I can help you figure out the labels for the frog and bird in this food web.

To determine the labels, we need to understand the concept of trophic levels in a food chain. Trophic levels represent the position of organisms in the food chain based on how they get their energy. Producers, such as plants, are at the first trophic level because they produce their own food through photosynthesis. Herbivores, such as butterflies, feed on producers and are at the second trophic level.

Now, let's move on to the third trophic level. Carnivores that eat herbivores belong to this level. In this case, the frog feeds on the butterfly, which makes the frog a primary consumer. So, you can label the frog as a "primary consumer" or simply "herbivore."

Next, we need to figure out the label for the bird. Since the bird eats the frog, it is a secondary consumer. This means it feeds on other animals (in this case, the frog) and occupies the fourth trophic level. Therefore, you can label the bird as a "secondary consumer" or "carnivore."

I hope this helps you label the frog and bird correctly in your food web!