explain the decision-making process you use when deciding whether or not to seek medical care for the types of symptoms listed in the chart. Provide an example for each of the five symptom categories; one example of when you would treat the symptom yourself, and one example of when you would seek professional care. Include who you would seek care from in your example.

Symptom Category,Decision-making process, Example for Self-care ,Example for professional care


The question asks what YOU would do.

i don't understnad it i was trying to see if anyone had a clue or did this before and could explain it to me.

The question wants to know what you would do if you were sick. If you had a severe pain, would you immediately seek medical help? You need to also give an example for each condition of something you've done in the past.

Example: If I had a severe pain or other serious symptoms, I'd seek immediate medical help. A few years ago I fell at 11:00 at night. My wrist swelled, was painful, and I concluded that it was broken. I immediately went to the hospital emergency room.

When deciding whether or not to seek medical care for different types of symptoms, it is important to consider factors such as the severity, unusualness, persistence, and recurrence of the symptoms. Here's an explanation of the decision-making process for each of the symptom categories, along with examples for both self-care and professional care:

1. Severe Symptoms: Severe symptoms generally require immediate medical attention. If you experience any symptom that is extremely intense or unmanageable, it is advisable to seek professional care. This is because severe symptoms may indicate a serious underlying condition that should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. For example:

- Self-care example: If you have a mild headache, you can try managing it with rest, hydration, or over-the-counter pain relievers.
- Professional care example: If you suddenly experience a severe headache accompanied by dizziness, slurred speech, and vision changes, you should seek immediate professional care from an emergency department or call emergency services. This could be a sign of a more serious condition like a stroke.

2. Unusual Symptoms: Unusual symptoms refer to those that deviate significantly from what is considered normal or expected. When faced with unusual symptoms, it is typically a good idea to seek professional care, as they may indicate an underlying medical condition or require specific expertise for a proper diagnosis. For example:

- Self-care example: If you have an occasional mild stomach ache after eating a heavy meal, you can usually manage it by avoiding certain foods or taking over-the-counter antacids.
- Professional care example: If you experience a sudden and severe stomach ache, combined with vomiting blood, it is important to seek professional care from a gastroenterologist or visit the emergency department. These unusual symptoms may be indicative of a serious gastrointestinal issue, such as a bleeding ulcer.

3. Persistent Symptoms: Persistent symptoms are those that do not resolve over a period of time or keep recurring. When dealing with persistent symptoms, it is generally recommended to seek professional care to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. For example:

- Self-care example: If you have a mild sore throat that lasts for a day or two, you can typically manage it with home remedies like rest, fluids, and throat lozenges.
- Professional care example: If you have a persistent sore throat that lasts for more than a week, accompanied by difficulty swallowing, fever, and swollen lymph nodes, it is advisable to seek professional care from a primary care physician or an otolaryngologist. These persistent symptoms may be suggestive of a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, which requires medical attention and antibiotic treatment.

4. Recurrent Symptoms: Recurrent symptoms refer to those that appear repeatedly or in a cyclical pattern. When faced with recurrent symptoms, it is usually recommended to seek professional care as they may indicate an underlying chronic condition that requires management. For example:

- Self-care example: If you occasionally have mild seasonal allergies with sneezing and itchy eyes, you can manage them with over-the-counter antihistamines or avoiding allergens.
- Professional care example: If you consistently experience recurring and severe allergy symptoms that impact your quality of life, it would be beneficial to seek professional care from an allergist. They can evaluate your condition, conduct allergy testing, and prescribe appropriate medications or immunotherapy to manage your symptoms effectively.

Remember, these examples are purely hypothetical, and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care tailored to your specific situation.