list the sides in order from shortest to longest in angle ABC,with A=80 ,Q =3x+5 , and C =5x-1

Is this the exact wording of your problem? Are you looking at a picture?

An angle doesn't have 'sides'.

Two lines or rays form an angle.

Where are you getting three sides?

To determine the lengths of the sides in order from shortest to longest in angle ABC, we need to find the values of sides AQ, QC, and AC.

A = 80°
Q = 3x + 5
C = 5x - 1

To find the values of x and substitute them into the given expressions, we need additional information or equations related to angle ABC. Could you please provide the necessary information or any additional equations to find the values of x and calculate the lengths of sides AQ, QC, and AC?

To determine the lengths of the sides in triangle ABC, we need to know the relationships between the angles and sides in the triangle. Specifically, we need to know if any of the sides are proportional to each other or if any additional information is provided.

Given the information provided, A = 80°, Q = 3x + 5, and C = 5x - 1, it seems that the lengths of sides AQ and AC are represented by expressions involving x.

Without knowing any additional information about the relationship between the sides, we cannot directly compare or order them. More information is needed, such as a ratio or proportion, measurements, or specific relationships between the sides or angles.

If there is any missing information or if there are any other given details, please provide them, and I will be happy to assist you in finding the order of the sides.