Fe^3+ + C204^-2 (oxalate) -> Fe^2+ + CO3

Which is the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent in the chemical equation above?

Fe (oxidizing),C (reducing)

To determine the oxidizing agent and reducing agent in a chemical equation, we need to look at the changes in the oxidation states of the elements involved.

In this equation, the oxidation state of iron changes from +3 to +2. The decrease in oxidation state indicates that iron has been reduced. Therefore, Fe^3+ is the species being reduced, which makes it the reducing agent.

On the other hand, the oxidation state of oxalate changes from -2 to -4. The increase in oxidation state indicates that oxalate has been oxidized. Therefore, C204^-2 is the species being oxidized, which makes it the oxidizing agent.

In summary:
- Fe^3+ is the reducing agent because it is being reduced from +3 to +2.
- C204^-2 (oxalate) is the oxidizing agent because it is being oxidized from -2 to -4.