Use 10 medical words discussed in this week’s reading to create a written script (no audio required) of dialogue between two medical professionals. Respond to other students by adding anything they may have missed, correcting any errors, complimenting them on proper usage, or expanding on their discussion. Use a proper and respectful online tone.

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine.

Once YOU have come up with an attempt to write up YOUR assignment, please re-post. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.

Dialogue between two medical professionals:

Doctor A: Good morning, Dr. Smith. Did you review the patients' charts?

Doctor B: Good morning, Dr. Brown. Yes, I did. I noticed that Mr. Johnson has a diagnosis of hypertension.

Doctor A: Great. Let's ensure he receives the appropriate antihypertensive medication. Also, Ms. Davis has been complaining of dyspnea. Have you done an assessment?

Doctor B: Yes, I did. She has reduced breath sounds on auscultation. I suspect she might have pneumonia.

Doctor A: I agree. Let's order a chest X-ray for confirmation. By the way, did you check on Mrs. Rodriguez's wound? I heard she had a surgical debridement yesterday.

Doctor B: Yes, I did. The wound looks clean, but we should monitor for any signs of infection, such as erythema or purulent discharge.

Doctor A: Good catch. And what about the lab results for Mr. Thompson? I think his renal function is declining.

Doctor B: I reviewed his labs. His creatinine levels have indeed increased, indicating renal impairment. We should consult a nephrologist for further evaluation.

Doctor A: Agreed. Lastly, I noticed that Mrs. Adams has been prescribed a new anticoagulant. Did you assess her bleeding risk?

Doctor B: Yes, I did a thorough assessment. She has no history of bleeding disorders and her bleeding time is within the normal range. I think it's safe to start the anticoagulant.

Doctor A: Perfect. Thanks for following up on these cases, Dr. Smith. It was a productive discussion.

Doctor B: Thank you, Dr. Brown. I appreciate your guidance. Let's stay vigilant in providing quality patient care.

In response to other students:
- Student A: Excellent usage of "hypertension" and "antihypertensive medication" in the dialogue.
- Student B: Well done mentioning "pneumonia" and the need for a chest X-ray to confirm the diagnosis.
- Student C: Good job bringing up "surgical debridement" and monitoring for signs of infection like "erythema" and "purulent discharge."
- Student D: Great mention of "renal function" and the importance of consulting a nephrologist for further evaluation.
- Student E: Nice work discussing the assessment of bleeding risk before starting an "anticoagulant."