a car traveling in a lage circlepasses by a motorcycle that is trveling in a straight line north to south.both of their speedometers read 10m/s.which statement is true; a: the car and motorcycle have the same speed ,but different velocities,b:the car and motorcycle have the same velocity,but different speeds, c:the car have the same speed and velocity,d:the car and motorcycle have different speed and velocity

i think the answer is d.

In order for one vehicle to "pass by" the other, they must have different speeds and velocities.

To determine which statement is true, we first need to understand the concepts of speed and velocity.

Speed is a scalar quantity that tells us how fast an object is moving. It is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, both the car and the motorcycle have speedometers reading 10 m/s, indicating that they are both moving at the same speed.

Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that not only tells us the speed of an object but also the direction in which it is moving. It is calculated by dividing the displacement (change in position) by the time taken. In this case, the car is traveling in a large circle, meaning it is constantly changing its direction and hence its velocity. The motorcycle, however, is moving in a straight line north to south, maintaining a constant direction and velocity.

Therefore, statement (a) is true: the car and motorcycle have the same speed but different velocities.