Create an 11- to 14-slide PowerPoint® presentation answering one of the topics found in Appendix A, as well as 3 to 4 principle issues related to your chosen topic. My topic is Should there be a set of uniform morals standard? Thank you

It's hard to know how to help you improve since we don't know what you think or typed yet. What have you done so far?

MattsRiceBowl is right. Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.

Yea... lemme drop all work I currently have for finals to write your philosophy paper -_-

To create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic "Should there be a set of uniform morals standards?" along with 3 to 4 principle issues related to the chosen topic, follow these steps:

Step 1: Research the Topic
1. Start by conducting research on the concept of uniform moral standards. Look for reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reliable websites to gather information.
2. Understand the different perspectives and arguments surrounding this topic. Consider opinions from moral philosophers, ethicists, and scholars who have written on this subject.

Step 2: Organize the Presentation
3. Start by preparing an outline for your presentation. Divide the content into logical sections such as introduction, principle issues, arguments supporting uniform morals standards, arguments against uniform morals standards, and conclusion.
4. Decide how many slides each section will require, ensuring a balanced presentation flow.

Step 3: Slide Content
5. Introduction (1 slide): Begin with a compelling introduction that states the topic and outlines the importance of discussing uniform moral standards.
6. Definition and Explanation (1-2 slides): Define uniform moral standards and provide an explanation of its significance. Clarify why uniformity or lack thereof is relevant in society.
7. Principle Issue #1 (2-3 slides): Choose your first principle issue related to the topic and thoroughly discuss it. Provide arguments or reasons for and against having a set of uniform moral standards regarding this issue.
8. Principle Issue #2 (2-3 slides): Select another principle issue related to uniform moral standards and repeat the process outlined in step 7.
9. Principle Issue #3 (2-3 slides): Choose a final principle issue and follow the same steps as in step 7.
10. Conclusion (1-2 slides): Summarize the main points presented throughout the presentation. Offer a balanced perspective on the topic while presenting your own view, if desired.
11. Add any necessary slides like references, acknowledgments, or additional resources.

Step 4: Slide Design and Visuals
12. Choose an appropriate PowerPoint template that suits the topic and conveys a professional look.
13. Use bullet points, short phrases, and concise sentences on each slide. Avoid overcrowding the slides with excessive text.
14. Incorporate relevant images, graphs, charts, or diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement.

Step 5: Presentation Preparation
15. Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery and to familiarize yourself with the content and flow.
16. Allocate appropriate time for each slide to maintain a consistent pace throughout the presentation.
17. Be prepared to answer questions and engage in discussions after the presentation.

Remember to adhere to the guidelines provided by your instructor for the presentation length, style, and submission requirements.

Good luck with your PowerPoint presentation!