Why did the Spanish stress the cruelty and barbarism of Aztec culture?

Was it to justify the Spanish cruelty to the Aztecs? Was it to give the priests a reason to convert them to Christianity? Was it to show that the Aztecs deserved to be conquered?

Justification to convert them to Christianity.....is this right?

I think all of the suggestions I made are correct, including converting them to Christianity.

I agree with Ms. Sue

The Spanish stressed the cruelty and barbarism of Aztec culture for several reasons. To understand their perspective, we need to consider the historical context.

Firstly, the Spanish arrived in the Americas with a desire for wealth and power. They sought to conquer and colonize the lands they encountered, and in order to justify their actions, they needed to portray the indigenous peoples as inferior and savage. By highlighting the supposed brutality of the Aztec culture, the Spanish could argue that they were bringing civilization and Christianity to a barbaric society.

Secondly, the Spanish were influenced by their own cultural beliefs and biases. They came from a European context where the Aztecs' practices, such as human sacrifice, were considered savage and inhumane. The Spanish viewed their own cultural, religious, and societal norms as superior and believed it was their duty to "civilize" the indigenous peoples.

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that the accounts we have of Aztec culture and practices were primarily written by Spanish conquerors and missionaries. These individuals had their own motivations and biases, which could have influenced the way they depicted the Aztecs.

To understand why the Spanish stressed the cruelty and barbarism of Aztec culture, it is crucial to critically analyze the historical context, the Spanish motivations, and the biases that shaped their perceptions.