please check my answer thanks :)

What is Eric's gross pay , including overtime and double time

He earns $9.24 per hour He gets time and a half for over time and double time for work on Saturday He worked 52 hours this week, with 8 hours overtime and for hours on Saturday

$9.24 x 1.5 = $13.86
$9.24 x 2= $18.48

$18.48 x52 =$948.48 gross pay

40 hrs x 9.24 = $369.60 base pay

8 hrs x 9.24 x 1.5 = 110.88 for overtime
4 hrs x 9.24 x 2 = 73.92 for Saturday
Total = 554.40
A quicker way to do it is to treat the 52 hours as 40 + 8x1.5 + 4x2 = 60 hours at the base wage of 9.24

thanks i got now :)

Let's break down the steps to calculate Eric's gross pay, including overtime and double time.

1. Calculate Eric's regular earnings for the 52 hours he worked.
Eric earns $9.24 per hour, so we multiply that by the number of hours worked: $9.24 x 52 = $480.48

2. Calculate Eric's overtime earnings.
He worked 8 hours of overtime, which means he is entitled to time and a half. To calculate the overtime earnings, multiply the overtime hours by the overtime rate: 8 x ($9.24 x 1.5) = $110.88

3. Calculate Eric's double time earnings for working on Saturday.
He worked 4 hours on Saturday, and for those hours he earns double his regular rate. Multiply the hours by the double time rate: 4 x ($9.24 x 2) = $73.92

4. Add up all the earnings to find the gross pay.
Calculate the total earnings by adding the regular earnings, overtime earnings, and double time earnings: $480.48 + $110.88 + $73.92 = $665.28

Therefore, Eric's gross pay, including overtime and double time, is $665.28.