write a final paragraph of about 150 words explaining how you can apply five of the writing elements you studied in this course to enhance your academic and professional writing. 

You should probably turn in a blank paper.

Since you posted this assignment here, I assume you can't apply these five writing elements. Apparently you've learned nothing about them.

In order to enhance your academic and professional writing, it is crucial to apply the five writing elements that you have studied in this course. Firstly, clarity is paramount for effective communication. Be concise and avoid ambiguity to convey your ideas clearly. Secondly, coherence ensures that your writing flows smoothly, making it easy for readers to follow your thoughts. Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas logically. Thirdly, employ proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to maintain readability and professionalism in your writing. Fourthly, incorporate appropriate vocabulary and language style to match the tone and audience of your academic or professional context. Lastly, develop strong organization and structure by creating an outline and dividing your writing into paragraphs or sections, providing a logical progression of ideas. By consciously applying these elements, you will significantly improve your writing and demonstrate your proficiency in both academic and professional settings, thereby effectively engaging your readers and conveying your intended message.