How did traditionalists fight back against the age of modernism and mass soceity?

Where? When?

During the Roaring Twenties.

Be sure to check on what was happening in the US, as well as among the expatriates in France. (The Lost Generation)

Traditionalists fought back against the age of modernism and mass society through various means, including cultural, ideological, and political strategies. Here's an explanation of how they approached this resistance:

1. Preservation of Tradition: Traditionalists sought to preserve cultural traditions, values, and practices that they believed were being eroded or abandoned in the face of modernity. They advocated for the preservation of traditional art forms, craftsmanship, and cultural heritage.

2. Emphasis on the Past: Traditionalists celebrated and romanticized historical periods that they felt represented a time of stability, order, and moral values. They often idealized the past and sought to revive aspects of bygone eras, rejecting the rapid change and progress of modern times.

3. Rejection of Modern Art and Culture: Many traditionalists detested the avant-garde movements and experimental aesthetics of modern art. They criticized the abstract, unconventional, and challenging nature of modern art forms, pressing for a return to more classical and conservative art styles.

4. Revival of Traditional Institutions: Traditionalists aimed to revitalize traditional social institutions such as the family, the church, and local communities. They believed that these institutions provided a sense of moral grounding, stability, and social cohesion that was being eroded by modernization.

5. Resistance to Mass Society: Traditionalists rejected the homogenizing effects of mass society brought about by industrialization and urbanization. They valued individuality, local customs, and community over the standardized and impersonal nature of mass culture.

6. Political Movements: Traditionalists often found themselves aligned with conservative and nationalist political movements that emphasized the importance of preserving established social, cultural, and political hierarchies. These movements sought to limit the influence of modern ideas and institutions and restore authority to traditional structures.

In conclusion, traditionalists fought against the age of modernism and mass society by advocating for the preservation of tradition, emphasizing the past, rejecting modern art and culture, reviving traditional institutions, resisting mass society, and aligning with conservative political movements.