Christopher Columbus.

Okay I need someones help pretty
please ^_^
Uh well about columbus and Rodrigo Bernajo, who was first?
Did Christopher Columbus find it and Rodrigo followed? Or the other way round. But Columbus only said he did right? SO does it matter ?!

Rodrigo was a sailor on Columbus' ship. Columbus took credit for Rodrigo's sighting.

tf Adrian lol

To determine who actually discovered a particular place, it's essential to examine the historical accounts and evidence available. In the case of Christopher Columbus and Rodrigo de Triana (not Bernajo), there is some debate about who first spotted land during Columbus' first voyage to the Americas.

According to the historical narrative, on October 12, 1492, while sailing under Columbus' command, Rodrigo de Triana sighted land, specifically an island in the present-day Bahamas. However, Columbus claimed that he saw a light the evening before, which indicated land was near. Both Columbus and de Triana made their claims independently.

Columbus later documented the event in his journal, giving himself credit for the discovery. This discrepancy has led to conflicting accounts and debates among historians. Some argue that since de Triana was the first to spot land visually, he should be credited with the discovery. Others believe that Columbus' role and overall leadership make him the primary discoverer.

Ultimately, the recognition of who discovered what can vary depending on different perspectives and interpretations. Historically, Christopher Columbus is widely acknowledged for initiating European exploration and colonization in the Americas. However, it is worth noting that individual sailors like Rodrigo de Triana played crucial roles in these journeys.

To further clarify the historical details and evaluate the different viewpoints, I recommend referring to primary sources such as Columbus' journal and other historical documents from the time. These sources can provide deeper insights into the events surrounding Columbus' voyages and the contributions of his crew members.

well go on google find that answer duh! oh yeah please don't hurt me I am scared 0.0 lol jk gotcha!!