Can commas be used in simple sentences? I mean not after adjectives?

Commas can be used in simple sentences, mostly in the following ways:

1. After an introductory clause or phrase --
After the dance, we went out for hamburgers.

2. Before and after a non-essential (parenthetical) phrase --
The twins, as well as their cousins, attended the wedding.

3. In a series --
I ate bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast.

4. To separate coordinate adjectives --
The old, distinguished lawyer is very good in the courtroom.


"Anna gave my sister and me the dollhouse.", not "Anna gave my sister and I the dollohouse.": The test is "Anna gave me the dollhouse." Correct? Thank you!

Yes, you're correct.

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Yes, commas can be used in simple sentences for various purposes. While it is common to use commas after adjectives in certain sentence structures, such as in a series of adjectives or before a noun, commas have other uses in simple sentences as well. Let's explore some examples and guidelines for using commas in simple sentences:

1. To separate items in a series: Commas can be used to separate two or more items or elements in a simple sentence. For example: "I like to play soccer, tennis, and basketball."

2. To set off nonessential information: Commas can be used to set off nonessential or nonrestrictive clauses, phrases, or words. For example: "John, who is my neighbor, invited me to his party."

3. To separate introductory elements: If a simple sentence begins with an introductory element or phrase, a comma is used to separate it from the main part of the sentence. For example: "After having dinner, we went to the movies."

4. To join independent clauses: When two independent clauses are joined together to form a compound sentence, a comma is used before the coordinating conjunction. For example: "I studied for my exam, and I passed with flying colors."

5. To indicate direct address: When addressing someone directly in a sentence, a comma is used to separate the name or title from the rest of the sentence. For example: "Tom, could you please pass the salt?"

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of how commas can be used in simple sentences. The specific usage of commas may vary depending on the sentence structure and style guidelines. It is always recommended to consult a grammar style guide or seek clarification when in doubt.