If a fish can swim short distances at 48km/h, how long would the fish take to reach a smaller fish that is 3m away?


3/48000=1/16000 h

1h=3600 sec

(1/16000)*3600=3600/16000= 0.225 sec

48 sec

skywalker is wrong. its meters not miles

Bosnian is correct. The correct answer is .225 seconds, or 225 milliseconds.

(You can trust me. Just research my name.)

If a guy got me how m va. I run

To solve this problem, we need to determine the time it would take for the fish to cover the distance of 3 meters at a speed of 48 km/h. Here's how we can do it:

1. Convert the speed of the fish from kilometers per hour to meters per second. To do this, we need to convert kilometers to meters and hours to seconds. There are 1000 meters in a kilometer, so 48 km/h is equal to 48000 meters per hour. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, we divide 48000 by 3600 to get the speed in meters per second: 48000/3600 = 13.33 m/s (rounded to two decimal places).

2. Now we know that the fish is swimming at a speed of 13.33 m/s. To calculate the time it would take to cover a distance of 3 meters, we divide the distance by the speed: 3 / 13.33 ≈ 0.225 seconds (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, the fish would take approximately 0.225 seconds to reach the smaller fish that is 3 meters away.

well then what's the answer?

you are all wrong thx a lot now i got the question wrong

first convert km to miles. km times 1.609

48 km is 29.83 miles rounded off.
So, 48km/hr is the same as 29.83mi/hr.
Divide 29.83 mi/hr by 60 to find mile per minute.
29.83¡À60 = .4971 which can be rounded of the .50 mile per minute.
That is ¨ö mile per minute. Small fish is 3 miles away. So divide distance by rate: 3¡À¨ö which becomes 3• 2/1 = 6 minutes.
The answer is 6 minutes.

It is easy