how do you get 24 by using numbers 1-12 by going up,down,and diagonal and by using addition

how do you get 24 by using numbers 1-12 by going up,down,and diagonal

Going up, down, diagonal what?

Adding, multiplying, etc to equal 24?

What exactly does the problem state to

To get the number 24 using the numbers 1-12 by going up, down, and diagonally, we can use addition. Let's break down the steps:

1. Arrange the numbers 1-12 in a 4x3 grid, with each number placed in a different space. For example:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
2. Starting from any number, move in any direction (up, down, or diagonal) to the next number and continue until you have a sum of 24.

Here's an example of how you can reach 24:

Starting from the number 1, move diagonally down to the number 5 (1+4=5).
Then, keep moving diagonally down to the number 9 (5+4=9).
Finally, move diagonally down to the number 15 (9+6=15).
From 15, move diagonally down to the number 19 (15+4=19) and then move down to the number 24 (19+5=24).

So, using the numbers 1-12 and following these steps, you can reach the number 24 by going up, down, and diagonally and using addition.