convert to degrees, minutes and seconds

3pi/2 radians

can u plz help

is it 270


how about 9.6 ??

i got a different answer using

9.6 * 57deg 17' 45"


9.6 * 180/ pi

can u help

Of course! To convert radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds, we follow a few steps:

Step 1: Convert radians to degrees:
To do this, we multiply the given angle by 180/π. In this case, we have:
3π/2 * (180/π) = (3 * 180) / 2 = 540 / 2 = 270 degrees.

Step 2: Convert the remaining decimal degrees to minutes:
To convert the decimal part of the degrees into minutes, we multiply it by 60. Since we don't have any remaining decimal degrees in this case (270 degrees is a whole number), we proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Convert the remaining decimal minutes to seconds:
To convert the decimal part of the minutes into seconds, we multiply it by 60. Again, since we don't have any remaining decimal minutes, we move on.

Therefore, the conversion of 3π/2 radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds is:
270 degrees, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.