x^(-2) = 9

solve for x

Steps too

I first squared the x on both sides and I was left with x^(-1) = -3,3

but then what would the answer be for x?

the answer is supposed to be 1/3, -1/3 but I don't know why

x^(-2) = 9

Since, x^(-2) = 1/x^2

1/x^2 = 9
Multiply both sides by x^2
1 = 9x^2
1/9 = x^2
square root of both sides
+ - 1/3 = x

Meant to comment,

If you square x^-2,
x^-2 * x^-2 = x-4 = 1/x^4
1/^4 = 81
square root of both sides
1/x^2 = 9

You are back to the above.

To solve the equation x^(-2) = 9, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the given equation: x^(-2) = 9.

Step 2: To eliminate the negative exponent, you can take the reciprocal of both sides. This gives us 1/(x^2) = 9.

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by x^2 to isolate x. The equation becomes 1 = 9x^2.

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 9 to solve for x^2: 1/9 = x^2.

Step 5: Take the square root of both sides to solve for x: x = ±√(1/9).

Step 6: Simplify the square root on the right side: x = ±1/3.

So, the solutions to the original equation x^(-2) = 9 are x = 1/3 and x = -1/3.

In your specific case, when you squared both sides of the equation, you made a mistake by not treating the negative exponent properly. Squaring x^(-2) should have given you x^(-4), not x^(-1). That's why you obtained incorrect values for x. You need to revisit Step 2 and proceed from there to correctly solve the equation.