Can you please check these sentences about Hamlet? Thank you.

1) Hamlet wonders whether he should make a stand against his sea of troubles or leave things as they are. 2) He believes that both active and passive resistance is bound to meet failure.
3) Death will be the result of any action he may take (either by committing suicide or as a retribution for killing Claudius.
4) He wonder whether he should offer passive or active resistance.
5) Hamlet seems to turn more specifically to suicide.
6) The idea of death is divided into sleep, which is desirable and dreams.
He wonders whether there will be dreams after death.

2) = oh oh! You said BOTH = plural = are bound

4) I wonder BUT He wonders

6) a bit jumbled with the word order = which is desirable because of dreams.


Sure! I can check these sentences for you. Here are the corrections:

1) Hamlet wonders whether he should stand against his sea of troubles, or leave things as they are.

2) He believes that both active and passive resistance are bound to fail.

3) Death will be the result of any action he may take - either by committing suicide or as a retribution for killing Claudius.

4) He wonders whether he should engage in passive or active resistance.

5) Hamlet seems to contemplate suicide more specifically.

6) The idea of death is divided into sleep, which is desirable, and dreams. He wonders whether there will be dreams after death.

Please note that these corrections are based on improving grammar and clarity. However, the content and meaning of the sentences have been maintained.