ivested $1,500 in the stock market on january 1, she lost 1/3 of it by the end of january and 2/5 of the remaininbg amount by the end of february. how nmuch did she have left?

Joan/Sydney -- please do not change screen names.

I'll be glad to check your work.

i'm not sure what a 1/5 is of 200. or 3/4

In math problems, "of" means multiply.

(1/5) * 200/1 = 200/5 = 40

Study this site.


To find out how much she had left, we need to follow these steps:

1. Start with the initial investment of $1,500.
2. Calculate the loss at the end of January: 1/3 of $1,500.
3. Subtract the loss from the initial investment to find the remaining amount at the end of January.
4. Calculate the loss at the end of February: 2/5 of the remaining amount.
5. Subtract the loss from the amount remaining at the end of January to find the final amount.

Let's do the calculations:

Loss at the end of January:
1/3 * $1500 = $500

Remaining amount at the end of January:
$1500 - $500 = $1000

Loss at the end of February:
2/5 * $1000 = $400

Final amount:
$1000 - $400 = $600

So, she had $600 left at the end of February.