How do you compare decimal numbers?

For example?

line them up add extra zeros then c what first number is biggest/smallest so on

To compare decimal numbers, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by comparing the whole number parts of the decimals. If one decimal has a higher whole number part than the other, then it is greater. For example, 3.5 is greater than 2.7 because 3 is greater than 2.

2. If the whole number parts of the decimals are the same, then compare the decimal parts. Start comparing from the leftmost decimal place (tenths place) and move to the right. Compare the digits in each corresponding decimal place. The decimal number with the higher digit in the first unequal decimal place is the greater number. For example, comparing 2.37 and 2.45, since 3 is less than 4, 2.37 is less than 2.45.

3. If you reach the end of the decimal places and all the digits are the same, then the decimal numbers are equal.

It's important to note that when comparing decimal numbers, you should be careful of the number of decimal places you're comparing. If one number has more decimal places than the other, you may need to consider adding zeros at the end of the number with fewer decimal places to properly compare them.