Providing assistance to a child in self-care tasks

a. always encourage helplessness
b. is necessary for very young children
c. should be left to the family
d. should be as minimally intrusive as possible.
I chose "d" for my answer. can someone pleae check it forme.

2.A naturalistic language learning environment
a. occurs mostly in the home
b. is created whenever a child is communicating with others
c. occurs mostly in speech therapy
d. excludes speech therapy
I chose "c" as my answer.
cansomeone pleae check it for me. thank you

Your first answer is correct.

I think your second answer is also right, but I'm not positive.

special educational services for young children with disabilities

For the first question, "d. should be as minimally intrusive as possible" is the correct answer. This means that when providing assistance to a child in self-care tasks, it is important to do so in a way that allows the child to maintain as much independence as possible, minimizing any excessive intervention that may hinder their development.

For the second question, the correct answer is "b. is created whenever a child is communicating with others." A naturalistic language learning environment refers to an environment where children learn language through their day-to-day interactions and conversations with others. This can happen anywhere, not just in the home, and it does not exclude speech therapy, as speech therapy can also be conducted in a naturalistic and communicative manner.

Based on your answers, it seems that you have correctly chosen option "d" for the first question and option "b" for the second question. Well done!