each pizza has 8 slices the teachers want enough pizzas so that each student can have 2 slices if there are 22 students in eeach of the 3 fourth grade classes how many pizzas must be ordered

22 * 3 = 66 students

66 * 2 = 132 pieces

132/8 = 16 1/2

Since the teachers can't buy 1/2 a pizza, they'll need to buy 17 pizzas.

To calculate the number of pizzas that must be ordered, we need to determine the total number of slices needed.

There are 3 fourth-grade classes, each with 22 students, making a total of 3 * 22 = 66 students.

Since each student needs 2 slices, the total number of slices needed is 66 students * 2 slices = 132 slices.

Since each pizza has 8 slices, we divide the total number of slices needed by the number of slices per pizza to find the number of pizzas required.

Number of pizzas = 132 slices / 8 slices per pizza = 16.5 pizzas.

Since we cannot order a fraction of a pizza, we need to round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, we must order at least 17 pizzas.

To figure out how many pizzas must be ordered, we need to determine the total number of slices needed for all the students and then divide it by the number of slices per pizza.

First, we calculate the total number of slices needed for one class:
Number of students in each class = 22
Slices of pizza each student should have = 2
Total slices needed for one class = Number of students in each class × Slices of pizza each student should have

Total slices needed for one class = 22 × 2 = 44 slices

Since there are three fourth-grade classes, we need to multiply the number of slices per class by the number of classes:
Total slices needed for all three classes = Total slices needed for one class × Number of classes

Total slices needed for all three classes = 44 slices × 3 = 132 slices

Now, we need to divide the total number of slices needed by the number of slices per pizza to get the number of pizzas required:
Number of slices per pizza = 8
Number of pizzas required = Total slices needed for all three classes ÷ number of slices per pizza

Number of pizzas required = 132 slices ÷ 8 = 16.5 pizzas

Since pizzas cannot be split into fractions, we need to round up the number of pizzas to the nearest whole number. Therefore, we would need to order 17 pizzas to ensure that each student can have 2 slices.