11. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Mom, give us a break, just once. (Points : 5)
direct object

indirect object

predicate nominative

predicate adjective

12. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Isn't this movie The Black Stallion? (Points : 5)
direct object

indirect object

predicate nominative

predicate adjective

13. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Have you seen your cousin Gene, Sally?
(Points : 5)
predicate adjective
predicate nominative
direct object
indirect object

14. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Playing the role of Anne in the play is Maya Guerrero!
(Points : 5)
predicate nominative
predicate adjective
direct object
indirect object

15. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Print me a copy of the poem you wrote, please.
(Points : 5)
predicate adjective
predicate nominative
indirect object
direct object

16. What kind of complement is the underlined word?

Well, the lecture seemed pretty long to me.
(Points : 5)
predicate nominative
predicate adjective
direct object
indirect object

17. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.

A string of colored lights edged the deck. (Points : 5)
adjective phrase

adverb phrase

appositive phrase

misplaced modifier

18. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.

The tangy scent of barbeque drew us toward the little cafe. (Points : 5)
adjective phrase

adverb phrase

appositive phrase

misplaced modifier

19. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.

The chilly campers huddled together by the fire.
(Points : 5)
adjective phrase
appositive phrase
adverb phrase
misplaced modifier

20. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.

For my birthday, we baked a lemon cake, a special treat.
(Points : 5)
adjective phrase
adverb phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

21. Choose the label that best describes the underlined word group.

The firecrackers were set off in front of the spectators with loud bangs and bright flashes.
(Points : 5)
adjective phrase
adverb phrase
appositive phrase
misplaced modifier

22. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.

They swept the dead leaves out of the hallway and shut the door against the wind.
(Points : 5)

23. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.

Put the pans of bread into the oven. (Points : 5)

24. Type the word that the underlined phrase modifies or renames. Remember that spelling counts.

The road, only an oiled dirt lane full of children and shaded by trees, looked just the same. (Points : 5)

25. Which choice correctly completes the sentence?

Quickly, they _____ all the grocery bags on the floor and ran outside. (Points : 5)
had setted



had sat


Which choice correctly completes the sentence?
Jenna _____ in her journal for several years. (Points : 5)
has wrote
has written
has wroten

27. Choose the label that best describes the verb in the sentence.

I have been meaning to call you for days.
(Points : 5)
present perfect
present progressive
present perfect progressive
past perfect progressive

28. Which of the following sentences contains a shift in tense? (Points : 5)
Reading biographies helps you understand how the world works.
Once he had finished the book, he will write the report.
Sure, it is easy to dye clothes if you know how.
The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it started raining.

29. Identify the sentence with the passive voice verb. (Points : 5)
Their apartment was small but very interesting.
Did you take that photograph with the digital camera?
Those old records may be worth a lot someday.
I can’t skate today because my skates are being repaired.

30. Identify the sentence with the active voice verb. (Points : 5)
The map was hidden behind a secret panel in the wall.
The stairs had been designed in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Our winner will be chosen by the artists themselves.
Has anyone turned off the lights in the theater yet?

Since it's hard to underline on this board, please put the underlined word in all capital letters.

Then we'll be glad to check your answers.

(When dinner was over,) we washed the pots and pans

i did that for 2 years and never got kicked out

is the awenswers in the book

11. The underlined word "us" is an indirect object. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is an action verb that can take both a direct object and an indirect object. In this case, the verb is "give" and it is taking both a direct object "break" and an indirect object "us". The indirect object is the receiver of the direct object.

12. The underlined word "movie" is a predicate nominative. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is a linking verb that can be followed by a predicate nominative. In this case, the verb is "isn't" and it is linking the subject "this movie" to the predicate nominative "The Black Stallion".

13. The underlined word "cousin" is a predicate adjective. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is a linking verb that can be followed by a predicate adjective. In this case, the verb is "seen" and it is linking the subject "you" to the predicate adjective "cousin".

14. The underlined word "Maya Guerrero" is a predicate nominative. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is a linking verb that can be followed by a predicate nominative. In this case, the verb is "is" and it is linking the subject "Playing the role of Anne in the play" to the predicate nominative "Maya Guerrero".

15. The underlined word "copy" is a direct object. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is an action verb that can take a direct object. In this case, the verb is "Print" and it is taking the direct object "copy".

16. The underlined word "long" is a predicate adjective. To determine the kind of complement, you need to identify the verb in the sentence and see if it is a linking verb that can be followed by a predicate adjective. In this case, the verb is "seemed" and it is linking the subject "the lecture" to the predicate adjective "long".

17. The underlined word group "colored lights" is an adjective phrase. To determine the label, you need to identify the function of the word group in the sentence. In this case, it is describing the noun "deck", so it is functioning as an adjective.

18. The underlined word group "The tangy scent of barbeque" is an adjective phrase. To determine the label, you need to identify the function of the word group in the sentence. In this case, it is describing the noun "scent", so it is functioning as an adjective.

19. The underlined word group "chilly campers" is an adjective phrase. To determine the label, you need to identify the function of the word group in the sentence. In this case, it is describing the noun "campers", so it is functioning as an adjective.

20. The underlined word group "a special treat" is an appositive phrase. To determine the label, you need to identify the function of the word group in the sentence. In this case, it is renaming or further describing the noun "lemon cake", so it is functioning as an appositive.

21. The underlined word group "with loud bangs and bright flashes" is an adverb phrase. To determine the label, you need to identify the function of the word group in the sentence. In this case, it is describing the verb "were set off", so it is functioning as an adverb.

22. The underlined phrase "out of the hallway" modifies the verb "swept".

23. The underlined phrase "of bread" modifies the noun "pans".

24. The underlined phrase "only an oiled dirt lane full of children and shaded by trees" renames or further describes the noun "road".

25. The correct choice to complete the sentence is "set". The word "quickly" indicates that the action was done in the past, so the past tense of the verb is needed.

26. The correct choice to complete the sentence is "has written". The sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is formed with "have" or "has" followed by the past participle form of the verb.

27. The verb in the sentence is "have been meaning". It is in the present perfect progressive tense, which is formed with "have been" followed by the present participle form of the verb.

28. The sentence containing a shift in tense is "The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it started raining." The first part of the sentence is in the past tense, but the second part suddenly shifts to the present tense with "started".

29. The sentence with the passive voice verb is "Their apartment was small but very interesting." The passive voice verb is used when the subject is receiving the action of the verb rather than performing the action.

30. The sentence with the active voice verb is "Our winner will be chosen by the artists themselves." The active voice verb is used when the subject is performing the action of the verb.

Im in k12 also and you get kicked out for this kind of stuff. Its not that hard you have a book... Lazy much?