Wait time for a counselor is 60 minutes. There are five counselors and each counselor see a student for an average of 30 minutes per day. How many new counselors are needed to shorten the wait time to 15 minutes?

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Wait time for a counselor is 60 minutes. There are five counselors and each counselor see a student for an average of 30 minutes per day. How many new counselors are needed to shorten the wait time to 15 minutes? Each counselor see 5 students per day totaling 25 students

wait time depends on when the students get there. Why not schedule them in 30 min slots and have them report on schedule, so wait time is nil?

You can't work this problem without more information, such as the flow rate of students.

To find out how many new counselors are needed to shorten the wait time to 15 minutes, we need to calculate the current total time spent by all counselors per day and compare it to the desired wait time.

First, let's calculate the total time spent by all counselors per day using the given information:
Total time spent per day = Number of counselors * Average time spent per student per day
Total time spent per day = 5 counselors * 30 minutes
Total time spent per day = 150 minutes

Now, let's calculate the number of new counselors needed to achieve a wait time of 15 minutes.
The current wait time is 60 minutes, and we want to reduce it to 15 minutes. The reduction in waiting time is 60 - 15 = 45 minutes.

To find the number of counselors needed to reduce the wait time by 45 minutes, we can divide the reduction in time by the average time spent per student per day:
Number of new counselors needed = Reduction in time / Average time spent per student per day
Number of new counselors needed = 45 minutes / 30 minutes
Number of new counselors needed = 1.5 counselors

Since you can't have a fraction of a counselor, you would need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, you would need 2 new counselors to shorten the wait time to 15 minutes.