A woman is brought into an emergency room after a severe automobile accident. She’s

unconscious and badly injured. Her husband arrives at the emergency room at the
same time as she arrives in the ambulance. The doctor explains the wife’s condition to
her husband and asks for permission to operate on her. The husband agrees to the
operation. The husband’s approval for the operation is called _______ consent.
A. informed C. mutual
B. contractual D. substituted

That is A. informed consent. The husband has been informed by the doctor as to what is needed and he either signs the consent form or not.


The husband's approval for the operation in this scenario is called "substituted" consent.

Substituted consent refers to a situation where someone who is legally authorized to make decisions on behalf of an unconscious or incapable individual provides consent for medical treatment or procedures. In this case, since the wife is unconscious and unable to give consent herself, her husband is acting as a substitute decision-maker and grants permission for the operation.

It's important to note that substituted consent can vary depending on legal jurisdictions and specific circumstances. In some situations, other close family members or court-appointed individuals may be authorized to provide substituted consent.