What is the total amount of tax due on a property with an assessd value of $315,200? The propery tax rate is 53.7 mills


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To calculate the total amount of tax due on a property, you need to multiply the assessed value of the property by the property tax rate.

First, convert the mill rate to a decimal by dividing it by 1,000. In this case, the mill rate is 53.7 mills, so you divide it by 1,000:

53.7 mills / 1,000 = 0.0537

Next, multiply the assessed value of the property by the decimal representation of the tax rate:

$315,200 * 0.0537 = $16,907.04

Therefore, the total amount of tax due on the property with an assessed value of $315,200 and the property tax rate of 53.7 mills is $16,907.04.