If 4 liters of motor oil cost $3.88, what is the price for 1 liter? I'm supposed yo set up proportions. This is how I set it up:

$3.88/4 liters • 1 liter/p
p= the price for 1 liter

Please tell me if I set it up right and how to solve.

You're close. But you need the price as the numerator and the gallons as the denominator.

3.88/4 = p/1

Cross multiply.

4p = 3.88
p = 3.88 / 4
p = ?

Thank you, Ms. Sue!

Yes, you have set up the proportion correctly. To solve for the price of 1 liter, you can cross-multiply and then divide.


$3.88 * 1 liter = 4 liters * p


$3.88 = 4p

Now, to isolate p, the price for 1 liter, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

p = $3.88 / 4

Calculating the division:

p = $0.97

Therefore, the price for 1 liter of motor oil is $0.97.